Monday 8 October 2012

Haunted Design House 'Bats In The Belfry' Challenge And Swap

 Well it is once again that time over at Haunted Design House  Our challenge this week is 'Bats In The Belfry' You should do something Gothic/dark themed around bats.
Head over to Hdh to see some amazing DT pieces from the team and then give your selves over to the darker side of crafting ;)
 This week I am killing two birds with one stone, (no not some kind of ritual slaying) I made this ATC for the challenge and also as part of a swap, with Suzanne,more of that in a minute.
This Atc was made using one of my new stamps from Artistic Outpost, one of their Halloween sets. the frame was cut out from a couple of sheets of card and glued together to make the 3d frame, It was then covered in Deco Arts crackle paste and painted with acrylic paints. the little figure is from the Games Workshop. It feels very odd going in there at 35 buying their figures. The back ground was done using distress inks and then covering it in UTEE.

Ok now on to the swap I mentioned. A little while back Suzanne and myself decided to do an Atc swap, three cards with a horror/Gothic theme. here are the other two I made. the first is a re make of one I did a little while ago, I tweaked it a little and I think improved on the first attempt.The main image is a digi from Stitchy bear called Bella Donna, she was printed out and then cut out with the atc die from Tim Holtz, coloured with Copics and then covered with matt glue n seal, I also used the cob web stamp from Tim and stamped that with glue n seal as well, when dry it acts as a brilliant resist.The whole thing was gone over with distress inks and some embeleshments were added. the spider is from the bead store in Brighton.
 The second Is a Paper Artsy stamp stamped onto acetate and attached with a couple of brads to a distressed back ground, Th BG was done with acrylic paint, red over white over silver, this was then sanded back in places so the different layers would show through. It was finished of with some wire wrapped around just to give it a little more depth.

Now I was blown away with this swap, Suzanne not only did three stunning ATC's she also added a rather amazing care package as well that contained all sorts of goodies. (I am a very lucky  boy).
Above are the atc's  please check Suzanne's blog there are some great projects for you to feast your eyes on.Below are all the amazing extras she sent me as well.  It was like Xmas.

 As well as all these goodies I also received a Stampotique stamp, Probably my fave stamp company and some stamped up images from her stash of stamps, One of which I used last week for my fat book page.

Luckily I did have something already made for Suzanne for this swap. A little while back I made a  KISS (keep it simple stupid) green frame with a Stampotique image inside which I think she liked at the time, So with my fingers crossed I hoped Suzanne liked the colour blue and did another frame in the same style with a different Stapotique image.I forgot to take a pic of this before posting so thank you again Suzanne for sending me the pic (incase you were wondering why that pic looks better than the ones I take )

Thanks for reading this far. As always I love having you here and reading your comments. It would be great to see you all over at Haunted Design House letting your inner demon out ;)
Thanks, xx

I would like to enter my Bella donna Atc into a challenge over at Digi Galore where the theme is Goth.
They are a digi only challenge.
I would also like to enter these pieces into the challenge over at Art With No Boundaries they have a 'Halloween' inspired challenge for the whole month of October, It's been a little while since I joined in over there.


  1. Love the frame! Try being a 34yr old woman going into the games workshop....... My fellah plays it.....

    1. lol,grab all the cool models for your projects ;)

  2. ...what an awesome gruesome gallery Mark, love love love your pieces for Suzanne, so much detail and techniques used and loVe the stampotique image in the gorgeous blue frame, really cool makes Mark and Suzanne has amazing talent, loVe what she has created for you, a superb well matched swap!...Melx :)

  3. Wow Mark, this post is a real feast for the eyes! I love your bats in the belfry, quite stunning and your ATCs are amazing, particularly the skull one, love that. Suzanne's ATCs are superb and how wonderful to receive a Stampotique stamp with the goodies too! Now for a shock, I am going off tomorrow to the Games Workshop to see what goodies I can find for my Halloween makes (if they will let oldies in that is - lol). Anne x

    1. They actually have some good paint washes in their range.

  4. Your bats are great, so too are the ATCs you did for Suzanne, saw on her blog this morning. I remember you mentioned the lovely extras she sent you yesterday. Lucky you. Have a good week. Love Francesca

  5. Oh Fabulous Pieces Mark. Love your Bats in the Belfry. I just knew the little fella was from the Games Workshop. Mmm Guess who's been in there too? Spent a fortune :)

  6. Fabulouse work Mark ☻

  7. That is an AWESOME piece Mark and soooo small too !! Amazing work. Love your other ATCs you made for the Swap. Fabulous xxxxxxxx

  8. I really adore this ATC, it's a jewel in my ATC collection - and I never thought I'd be so delighted to receive a little toy :-) but then it fits just perfectly together with this wonderful piece. The colors are so vibrant and brilliant. I love the masculine and playful quirky touch of it - aside from the bats of course, which are one of my favorite animals - and it will get a special place. Also love how you did the frame.
    Thank you so much again for this much inspiring swap, has been great fun!!
    Hugs, Suzanne xx

  9. Truly amazing work again Mark. Love every one of these and that frame is staggeringly excellent. Hugs, Buttons x

  10. Sme fab makes , as always,full of talent , technique and great style!! I lve the figure and the frame...
    I need to find me some of those figures!!! Trace x

  11. WOW Mark what a feast of loveliness all in one post! All these projects are spellbinding xxx

  12. As always your pieces (all of them) are spectacular. Love the ATCs you received also. x

  13. Great work
    Thanks for playing along with Digi Galore and good luck
    Anne x

  14. Your atcs are amazing! The depth and detail is incredible and just a delight to view. The frame on that first one is so dimensional...wonderful techniques. Suzanne's atcs are so cool and full of inspiration, too. I'm so glad you decided to join us again at Art With No Boundaries. Your art isawesome.

  15. Amazing work Mr Gould and I see what you mean about the lovely Suzanne's parcel - she's just gorgeous isn't she (not well at the moment so if you didn't know she may appreciate a little hug in a comment!). I really, really love what you did with that little figure - it looks fab! Not sure I could bring myself to go in one of those shops . . . . !! I had an accident with my make from Sunday and will have to start again :(
    Thanks for letting me know about Simon Says as I didn't know.
    Have a great weekend and hope your cold is better.

  16. These are all fabulous! I thought the frame you made was purchased - such a great job. I love your stuff, it makes me want to try so many things!

  17. Hey Mark... your batty DT piece is stunning - those colours look radioactive they're glowing so intensely! All those ATCs, flying in every direction, are amazing too!
    Alison x

  18. what an amazing collection of work! Love it all...... I wonder what my son would think if I started stealing his Warhammer for my projects!!!

  19. Honestly hon, did I not comment on this? WOW, you certainly have some stunning projects here. Fabulous frame for your bats. I would have sworn it was purchsed. you ROCK! xxD

  20. Hi Mark, I can't find where to email you so I've had to leave a comment here. You have nothing to apologise for re: fleur de lys stuff! I thought it was for next week and when I found it was today I didn't want to hassle you! It's kind of you to do it all. Thank yooooooooooooooooooooooou!!!!
    I'll reply to you on my blog too then you'll have my email.

  21. Wow much to see here....................everything is just so fabulous. I really must do a workshop with Andy as I like this style and would love to give it a try.

    Brilliant ATC's and goodies too !!! Have fun

    Annie x

  22. My envelope came today so thankyoooooooooou very much!! Think you should sue Royal Mail for taking as long as they did though! Hope your week is going well.

  23. Very cool piece - love that frame - enjoyed learning about the technique you used! So glad you linked up at Art With No Boundaries!

  24. Awesome work love the bat piece and the eye ball one. Just wow you're a very good artists.
