Its for new blogs and seems to be a pay it forward sort of thing. Ill detail it in a minute. For some reason I can find nothing about it online, must be some sort of masonic crafting order ;)
Now I had no idea things like this existed so It was such a fantastic surprise and something that means a lot.
The idea behind it seems to be, you are nominated by someone, you then If you want to, should select 5 blogs that inspire you etc and contact them letting them know about the Child's Shoe award and then they should do the same thing etc, etc. It is a way of socially networking I guess and getting your blog name out there for new people to see.There are some criteria that need to be met, see below.
If that makes sense you are doing better than me.
1. The blog should be in its infancy ie. below 200 followers.
2. The recipient should post about the award on their blog.
3. Include a link to the nominator in your post.
4. Forward the award to another 5 bloggers and tell them about the nomination.
5. Insert these rules into your post.
After a lot of thought I have chosen 5 of the blogs that were probably 5 of the first blogs I came to when I started out earlier this year. They are blogs that I constantly go to to see what wonders they have created and am constantly inspired and amazed by their works.Sadly I could only choose 5 Blogs, there were so many I wanted to include.
Here are my 5 in no particular order.
If you don't know who these guys are go check out their Blogs,also go and check out the very talented Julia as well. I am sure you will be inspired
It's all a little weird but hey, weird can be good ;) time for me to let my 5 know, hope they don't mind x
thanks for reading, sorry for no crafty things, but to make up there will be 2 posts tomorrow (oh yay I hear you scream) ;) x