Monday 21 January 2013

Haunted Design House Last Words Challenge

Happy Monday everyone, well till tomorrow and then Happy Tuesday, but I am sure you get the point.
Welcome back and a big Hi to some new followers, thank you for stopping by.
Today we have the 2nd challenge of the year over at Haunted Design House and the theme is 'Famous Last Words' Now this can be from a book, a film or even death bed confessions ;)
Why not pop over to Hdh to see what the DT have been up to and don't forget we are now running our challenges for two weeks so you have even longer to create something suitable macabre or at least a little dark ;)
I chose to go for one of Edgar Allen Poe's last lines to one of his classic stories 'The Mask Of The Red Death' The line reads...
'And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable Dominion over all.'  cheery stuff huh?
 I decided to alter an old cigar box, I was lucky enough to come back with several from Vegas last summer  where I cheekily asked the cigar shop in the Venetian to hold the boxes at the end of the day, I went back 3 days running and came home with about 10 boxes best bit is they did not want any money for them, result.
Anyway I have been wanting to do something Poe inspired for a little while and this was the perfect opportunity to get something done. The box will be used to house a little journal that I will fill with Poe pages and also any tags/ATC's etc I make relating to him.
 The box has been given a couple of different treatments that I have picked up whilst taking part in the workshops given by Andy Skinner
I have mixed feelings about this so the main image may get re done in time, I like the faux rock look and feel but the quote is not as visible as I would like it to have been,It looks fine from some angles but because the gold script has been done with Perfect Pearls it catches the light a little to much. Oh well, live and learn ;)
 The skull started as a image transfer but again was not clear enough so I re printed the skull onto some acetate and used brads to pin it over the first one, at least you can see it now, the image is from Smeared ink.
 The inside of the box has just been given a coat of Paper Artsy's Fresco Finish paint in London Nights. I want to do more inside, probably add a pocket into the lid for tags etc but till I get some other stuff made I am keeping my options open, Stay tuned ;) lol
Thanks again for stopping by it is very much appreciated.

I would like to enter this into the challenge over at Quoth The Raven this is a fantastic Poe related challenge blog, every month they have a poe themed challenge, I have been wanting to take part for some time but just not found the time, this year will be different.You may also recognize a few of the DT members.

Crafty-emblies are having a Male/Anything goes as long as it's an altered item, not a card scrap book etc.


  1. Great box!!!! gorgeous colour and texture. Looks like it was good fun to alter. Love the reference to Poe. Not heard of "Quoth the Raven" - thx for the link, will check it out. px

  2. Love the box, I must enrol on one of Andy Skinners workshops (though the long product lists do put me off a bit).

    Great Poe quote.

    1. The courses are great fun, the product list can be quite long on a couple of the classes but it really is stuff you will use again and again after the class, I was starting from scratch when I did time worn but I use the paints all the time as well as the texture mediums, I think it is a life time workshop now so you can always get the bits as you go along. x thank you for the comment and stopping by x

    2. Thanks Mark, have been trying to justify all the effects the students seem to create so I may have to take the plunge.

    3. They are all good but timeworn is the one I use all the time. The book courses are good and should have a smaller amount of stuff to buy.

  3. amazing work here Mark, really love what you have done! tfs, hugs, Kim, Crafty Emblies Design Team Member :)

  4. OMG OMG did i just say WOW,, figging love it xx

    Sandy jones Crafty Emblies DT member xxx Thanks 4 taking part xx

  5. yep definitely a cool piece. I need to give the technique a try. I have another boxthat needs a change!

  6. The way you have altered the box is fantastic and I just love that skull (My fav stamp from last year was a similar one). That last line of Poe's is certainly thought provoking! Anne x

  7. Whoa! Great quote and lovin' the texture. Fabulous, Mark. xxD

  8. Love the depth of colour you've achieved in that pool in the middle of the box. Reminds me of the top of a volcano for some reason (maybe my mind works oddly?!) Hugs, Jenny x

  9. This is AWESOME Mark. I love the texture on that box and the way you did the skull rocks. Fabulous idea for keeping your atcs and schtuff !! Thank you for joining us over at QUOTH THE RAVEN :-) luv IKE xxx

  10. Love your altered cigar box Mark - great texture and quote.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Hi Mark, lucky you to get all those cigar boxes for free! Your project looks great - I really like the textured look to it. Claire x

  12. Oh I love the texture you have achieved on this. I would love to get my hands on a cigar box, I do keep looking :-)

    Thank you for coming over and joining in with us on our 7th Challenge over at Crafty-Emblies.

    Great Big Huge Hugs

    Becca xxx (Crafty-Emblies DT)

  13. Very intriguing, love all the elements of it.
    Thanks for joining our altered art challenge at Crafty-Emblies.

    Moira DT

  14. must say mark I love your style,its so unique and great too see,that is what I love about being on DT teams,we get too see some amazing talent,bless you again for playing at crafty emblies hugs Cherylxxx

  15. what a fabulous box!! thanks for playing along with us at Quoth the Raven xx

  16. Fantastic! love our you created the Faux rock and the colour is amazing!

    thanks for sharing with us in the Crafty-Emblies challenge.


  17. What a great box ... I love the faux rock you have done on the outside ... and the image is one my boys would really love .
    Thanks for joining in the Crafty-Emblies Challenge

    Tina xxx DT
