
Sunday, 16 June 2013


Well looking around a little bit and it seems Blogger is making changes for some reason, Why when you have something that works and people understand, you feel the need to get rid of bits makes no sense but Hey, what do I know?
I see a lot of people are adding this Blog Lovin thingy,
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
I hope I can understand it soon, I do not want ot miss out on any of your blogs and I would love for you to stick with following me x


  1. I follow all of my favorite blogs directly from my Blogger dashboard, so it is my understanding that this new change won't affect me. I guess we'll see pretty soon though, won't we?

  2. I'm switching to bloglovin too and I will continue to follow you. I've added the Bloglovin button to my blog as well. My motto is, if it isn't broken then don't fix it and I hate that this change is going to happen :(

  3. oops...missed this change.....fingers crossed its easy to understand!!


  4. This girl has IT - Knowledge:

    ...but who knows? Everything sounds like a new maja calendar or 2000 crash
    I'm using blog connect via Facebook for safety (:o)
