
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

x box make over

right this is the start, I will get a better flow to all this and try to make things make sense. till then, this is something i worked on today, the technique used was learnt in the Andy Skinner work shop. I wanted to see how the paint would work on plastic surfaces and i wanted to tart up my x box, now i need to find time to finish the rest of the machine.


  1. It looks pretty swish Mark a good idea!

  2. Looks fab Mark, don't forget to add a follower button to your side bar so people can follow your progress! Neil

  3. thanks for that Neil. I shall now go and look at how to add one of those, should have a better handle on this after the weekend.good luck for the ranger uni trip.

  4. Can't wait to see how this evolves Mark.
